The Thou that can be known is not the eternal Thou.
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The alternative to Calvinism does not need to be Jansenism.
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The false Salafism: an optimism about the present which justifies a pessimism about the past.
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All Islam offers is God.
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From servant to savant; from ‘aqedah to ‘aqidah.
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No liberation without libation. (‘I charge you to be good to women.’)
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Shari‘a is a side of God’s mercy. Tariqa is a sign of God’s mercy. Haqiqa is a sigh of God’s mercy.
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He created Hell only that He might be called ‘Merciful’.
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‘Leave the ghazal, look into the azal.’ (Rumi)‘Leave the ghazal, look into the azal.’ (Rumi)
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The lubb: humanity without nature is like nature without daylight.
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No religion without love of the founder; no love of the founder without poetry. (Everyone should be the fruit of a na‘t-case.)
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‘Die Bösen haben keine Lieder.’
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Hawa: the wind of fancy.
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Adab: we must re-member our bodies.
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Judaism was not displaced by Christianity or Islam so much as it was displaced by Zionism.
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Moderation in miracles: ‘Enter houses by their doors.'
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Where there is no iman there is no theology.
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The fact that we so regularly misunderstand each other is a proof of Islam’s universality.
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Those that mind the state must mind their state of mind.
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Our muniments are our munitions.
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Maidens! Mey’den meydanlar medeniyyet’tir!
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Islam provides hope; the umma provides fear. ‘Whoever unites both wings shall fly.’
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A theology which attributes the jalal to a failure of jamal must end in secularity.
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To whom are the Mothers of Believers entrusted, after his death? Not to John, but to themselves.
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It is better to be tolerant than to be terminated.
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If Zionism is not a xenotransplant, why are there so many antibodies?
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We need an Erasmus, not a Luther.
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The next conquest must take place south of Poitiers.
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Halakhah: Israel is the handmaiden of Judaism. Herzl: Judaism is the handmaiden of Israel.
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Mars goes over; Venus goes through. Only when we know the destination can we begin to speak of equality.
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Jihad: before drawing your sword, learn how to open your eyes.
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Without eschatology there is only scatology.
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Shi‘ism: He was infallible, except in his choice of wives.
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If you want truth to be accepted, you must be accepted. If you want to be accepted, proclaim what you can accept.
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Punching buttons is il don fatale for the fata.
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Holidays: they think their bodies are solar-powered.
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Takhrij is no substitute for exegesis.
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Miss Aisha Featherstone-PughHas problems performing wudu.When splashing with water,I’m sure that she oughter,Take off her veil and her gloves too.Miss Aisha Featherstone-PughHas problems performing wudu.When splashing with water,I’m sure that she oughter,Take off her veil and her gloves too.Miss Aisha Featherstone-PughHas problems performing wudu.When splashing with water,I’m sure that she oughter,Take off her veil and her gloves too.Miss Aisha Featherstone-PughHas problems performing wudu.When splashing with water,I’m sure that she oughter,Take off her veil and her gloves too.Miss Aisha Featherstone-PughHas problems performing wudu.When splashing with water,I’m sure that she oughter,Take off her veil and her gloves too.
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Does the infinity of God leave space for anything else?
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The kafir: the baby turtle that forgot the sea.
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One turbe for both the duarum turbarum.
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We need nothing so much as proof of our own hypocrisy.
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It is blasphemous to use religion as an excuse for one’s lack of culture.
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Religion should help us to include more, not less.
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The judge of the art competition seeks only beauty in our portfolios.
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The emasculation by email replaces quality with equality.
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The false Salafism: a nostalgia that is not homesickness.
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Optimism: the false Salafism is pollarding.
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Suicide bombing is an extreme way of shooting oneself in the foot.
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The more we have, the less we are.
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The Christian Messiah is false because he brings calamity to the Jews. The Muslim Messiah is true because he brings their liberation.
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Secular decadence is less ugly than religious decadence because only organic matter can really decompose.
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Love of the saints is the proof of religion and of religiosity.
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Nothing brings less ease than sloth.
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The posterior has no posterity.
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Zealotry: the fetishizing of the liminal.
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Where there is no division in vision there is vision even in division.
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Secularity: Islam has got the bends. Islam: we are suffering from oxygen deficiency.
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The West treats other civilisations like stroke victims.
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Palestine: the burnt offering that atones for Paul’s original sin.
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How to rebridge the sexes? To reach the point of reconciliation? Only the logos can achieve this, and a logos that isungendered.
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Kalam is negative theology. Sufism is positive theology.
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Moriah is the mar’a, the seeing-place. ‘The heart denied not that which it saw.’
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Mind the Bible with your P’s and Q’s.
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Atheism: the belief that water originates in the well.
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Islam: the transformation of nature into culture.
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If you can’t beat them, be joined by them.
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Gender: the equator is only equitable if we include the sea. (Ave maris stella!)
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There is no secular masculinity.
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Even Hind was not ultimately the hindmost.
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Heuristics: the ideal ear is the idea without the Id.
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Popular taqlid sounds like four-part harmony.
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England needs Priestley’s other oxygen.
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Without determinism there can be no miracles.
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Wrath is finite; mercy knows no end.
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The way forwards is only the way back.
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Good architecture is to promote thankfulness.
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Give thanks for the tangible, that you may give thanks for the intangible.
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Global warming is from the gases of our indigestion.
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The alternative to tasawwuf is wool-gathering.
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Nothing is more dangerous than the ego wearing the robes of the spirit.
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Nomocentrism exists only to exclude egocentrism.
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Do not ask, ‘Where is God?’, but ask, ‘How am I?’
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Learn from the Law in the saint alone.
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Religion is the recognition of beauty.
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Only the Messiah can write history as the promised palindrome.
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The American for erotic is erratic.
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The Other calls us forth through the other.
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Ideology must not be self-critical; religion must be.
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We cannot progress until we can stand still.
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The Turks were even more catholic than the Anglicans.
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Utopianism was the Jahiliyya of the 20th century.Utopianism was the Jahiliyya of the 20th century.
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We must be the legatees of the Legate.
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Laziness is its own chastisement.
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The umma decays before the shari‘a, the shari‘a before the haqiqa. The haqiqa never decays at all.
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Those that follow a religion that cannot create a civilisation will create a civilisation that cannot follow a religion.
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Halakhah without halaqah is a vulnerable linearity.
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Is it willpower that frees us from our wilfulness?
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Initiation is to realise the lightness of the Law.
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Modernity is the teaching of perfect misunderstanding.
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