1. He that hunts religion for sensual strength shall be Aqta‘, the Actaeon deceived by Diyana’s crescent crown.
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2. In the Time of Turbulence, God gives you all you need behind your private door: perfume, prayer, woman.
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3. Feel sorry for the moderns, for they never know desire.
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4. Never, never, never, grow old in vain.
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5. Respect the young, for they are likely to be closer to the fitra than you.
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6. The worm of decay eats you while still you live; aspire, then, to the Pure Abode.
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7. If you want to make religion so flexible that it disappears, identify rigidity with piety.
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8. Let not liars sadden you; Truth will one day banish all shades.
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9. If you feel the yearning for God it is inevitable that your style of life will change.
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10. Whoever staggers upstream in this torrential age: for him blow the trumpet, play the drum!
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11. Fundamentalism is a rival monoculture.
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12. God is not subject to the rules of organised religion.
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13. Forgiveness and sadaqa remind you that you only gain when you give.
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14. Your quest for happiness is like seeking to grow taller; instead, love the Saga City, and happiness will be granted to you.
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15. Dhikr and fikr are not enough: only after supplication may the rain fall.
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16. Love God for what He offers you. Fear him in what He decrees for you.
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17. Beware the devil when he persuades you that you are worthless.
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18. Your indifference will spread indifference.
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19. Hindutva? It is the Mussulman, not the Hindoo, who has a sanatanadharma.
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20. That man only is to be envied who loves women for the right reasons.
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21. Pray at midnight, see the light. Think at midnight, die of fright.
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22. The Salafi begins with husn al-zann, the False Salafi with su’ al-zann.
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23. The Liber Asian is scritpure.
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24. The sage helps you repent by showing you that you cannot apologise to a mirror.
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25. Some see through others, others see others through.
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26. Do you dare to look at creation even though you know how thin a veil it is?
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27. Insan with the e-culture becomes insane.
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28. If you long to see God’s grace, work for the unity of the Muslims.
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29. Only by courtesy and compassion will you find your way to the starting-line.
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30. If you knew anything about the soul you would have infinite respect for the Prayer.
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31. Nobody dishonours the Salaf more than the False Salafi.
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32. The purpose of religion is to produce human beings who can be unconditionally loved.
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33. Intelligent Islam is not ‘liberal Islam’, it is the remembrance of the Names of Beauty.
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34. The Prayer is God’s caring hand held out to help and support you.
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35. How can you relate to the Absolute when you absolutise your own relativity?
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36. Do not underestimate your capacity to underestimate others.
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37. The absence of a Teacher is the worst excuse for sloth.
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38. Which do you love more: a financial windfall, or accurate criticism by a foe?
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39. No fatwa without futuwwa!
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40. Every passer-by has rights over you; excuse yourself by finding a way to love him.
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41. The world is not as it is.
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42. Go to the one who has gone.
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43. Hope, not humility, is the true alternative to pride.
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44. Love of the Shard is caused by tasharrud.
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45. Do not divulge any fact that will help nobody.
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46. Service is a purification. What more do you need?
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47. If you are not a giver and a forgiver you will be a grumbler.
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48. The False Salafism must recognise that emotion is not a dalil.
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49. Does your mosque welcome the sinful, and give them a space to reflect?
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50. Ibn Taymiyya is like Ibn Arabi: both are dangerously misread by fools.
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51. You will never be happy if you believe that religion exists to give you what you want.
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52. Da‘wa – you can never embrace a man if you clench your fists.
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53. Watch what you drop when you flee.
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54. Let not the bridal become your bridle.
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55. Orientalism wishes Islam to be Taymiyyan.
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56. Calligraphy is a drawing-out.
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57. You will not achieve enlightenment unless you lighten up.
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58. The world’s deeper battle is not between fundamentalism and fun; it is between holiness and hollowness.
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59. The narrower you make Islam, the fewer the people who will fit into it.
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60. Makkah has become Mecca.
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61. Capitalism’s fullest slogan: Arbeit macht frei.
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62. Riddastan fails, but Istihsania’s empire shall never be overcome.
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63. The use of reason is to diminish, not increase, the human content of the Law.
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64. If you forget that the world is always dissatisfying, you will always be dissatisfied.
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65. Revere the one whose nature is to love the saints.
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66. To the extent that Islam has holiness it has Sufism.
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67. The Salaf did not translate hadiths into English.
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68. You crave not paradise, but only your image thereof.
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69. Nature retreats in dismay from our cities; let us learn from her.
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70. Empiricism? If the world is disenchanted, we will be disenchanted with the world.
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71. Your doom is in your denial, just as Pharoah found his doom in de Nile.
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72. Modern man is a candle that achieves everything except burning.
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73. You are more likely to become what you crave than to achieve it.
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74. Be a faster, not faster.
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75. The False Salafism is fed by misanthropy, which is fed by unhappiness.
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76. Atheism is like excrement: when enough builds up in the body, it has to come out.
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77. Huwa plus hiya equals hawa.
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78. In our age, futuwwa lies in training oneself to be strengthened by the sight of the jalal.
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79. This short journey is not to hurt us, but to allow us to recognise its source, and to sing for joy.
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80. Pain is to show you that life is authentic.
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81. ‘Divine law is strict, but it is not rigid.’ (Claude Addas)
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82. Why do you embrace anger with such readiness, when you know the suffering it brings you?
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83. In our time, if people thank you, it is likely to be because you have shown them a way to be greedy.
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84. Do not fight the one who angers your ego, for he is nothing but illusion.
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85. True Islam is only that which helps you celebrate the joy and passion of life.
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86. Men! Be shrewd, not shrewed.
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87. No kunst surpasses Unst.
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88. The main function of the façade which you work so hard to maintain is to bar you from seeing others.
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89. Begin the day with the knowledge that it is sacred.
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90. Should you seek the humanism of Islam, know that the maqams are casts of characters.
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91. Always attend the mosque of someone else’s ethnicity.
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92. Delaying prayers is not worth the effort.
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93. In the Yawning Gulf, the new Muslim is either pet or threat.
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94. Ascension is to become aware of the divine below and around as well as above you.
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95. Help every feminist, for Mother Nature is invincible.
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96. Qiwama does not mean protecting from above, but supporting from below.
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97. The False Salafism is not a method, it is a rhetoric.
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98. The English to the Native Australians: Give us your land, and in exchange we will give you the Church of England and Foetal Alcohol Syndrome.
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99. Hubby is either hubb or hubbub.
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100. First Islam meant goodness, then it meant rightness, then it meant distinctiveness.
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