Beware the darkness in the grey areas.
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To blame others for our misfortunes is always a victory for the nafs .
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We should not do as we like; but we should like what we should do.
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There is no true engagement without detachment.
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It is only when you truly don't care what people think that you truly don't need to care what people think.
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What the heart needs is the periodicity of the crescent, not the uniqueness of the cross. (Chagall, White Crucifixion .)
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The companion before the road, and the road before the destination. But without the destination there is no road, and without the road there is no companion.
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Religion that seeks to be no more than a time capsule is likely to be claustrophobic.
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Ghuluww is not an excess of piety, it is a lack of it.
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Isaac: the monad. Ishmael: the nomad.
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True religion invites us to become better people. False religion tells us that this has already occurred.
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Our faces are a prediction.
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The ultimate was not he that endured his own suffering; it was he that endured the death of his family. ('I am with the broken-hearted'.)
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A Sufi is anyone who knows that fiqh means understanding.
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Extremism is tolerable because it is always transient.
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Trying to be loved is not the best way of becoming lovable.
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The most useful person for the Umma is the true mujtahid; the false mujtahid is its worst enemy.
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The miracle of mundanity . (Rembrandt, The Holy Family .)
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Failure is God's punishment for exoterism .
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We need less self-righteousness and more self-knowledge.
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The fact that the Sunna does not demand imperfection does not mean that it demands perfection.
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al- Hajju hujja .
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The gender gap is a minor third.
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Suluk is a sostenuto , not a tenor clef.
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Without fiqh there is only opinion.
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Sufism is the way of God wherever Islam is the way of God.
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Islam is the way of God wherever Sufism is the way of God.
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The hijra was the only exodus into extroversion.
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Extremism should preoccupy us only when it becomes the cause as well as the consequence of failure.
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Pious repudiations of polyphony usually yield monotony rather than plainchant.
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Beware the zeal of the uncertain. No-one is zealous for the Pythagoras theorem.
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The Apollonian and the Dionysiac : where else are the two conjoined?
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The believer sings louder than he speaks.
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Without acculturation faith is naked.
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The best way to make fiqh complicated is to teach that it is simple.
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Beware the Shari 'a of the Cheshire Cat : able to bite but not to nourish.
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Idolatry is worse than atheism.
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Muslim solidarity can never force us to lower our standards.
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The existence of the fair sex does not justify the existence of an unfair sex.
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Everyone is a cradle Muslim. The mysterium iniquitatis is a post-natal complication, not a genetic fault.
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Josephus is less dangerous than Bar Kochba .
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To the extent that God is corporeal He is demonstrably absent.
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The new creed: there is no islam but Islam, and Muhammad is the messenger of Islam.
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Where the roots are weak, the branches are stiff. Where the roots are firm, the branches are supple.
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Maidens! The alternative to Lerchenau is not always a Rosenkavalier.
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There was a young man who blamed Fate
For the fact that he prayed Fajr late
"How frightfully odd
Of Almighty God
To wake me at quarter past eight !"There was a young man who blamed Fate
For the fact that he prayed Fajr late
"How frightfully odd
Of Almighty God
To wake me at quarter past eight !"There was a young man who blamed Fate
For the fact that he prayed Fajr late
"How frightfully odd
Of Almighty God
To wake me at quarter past eight !"There was a young man who blamed Fate
For the fact that he prayed Fajr late
"How frightfully odd
Of Almighty God
To wake me at quarter past eight !"There was a young man who blamed Fate
For the fact that he prayed Fajr late
"How frightfully odd
Of Almighty God
To wake me at quarter past eight !"
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The semitic semiotic: not making an idol of tawhid .
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An error of the age: the claim that God has blinded His falcons.
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Your career should be like prayer in congregation: if a space opens before you, step into it.
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To believe that every virtue in a disbeliever is a manifestation of the Divine ruse is a manifestation of the Divine ruse.
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Censorship of the press is less subversive than censorship by the press.
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Television is hellish vision because it robs us of the sense of truth.
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No pure purism pushes people into impurity.
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No revival is an alternative to culture.
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It is no surprise that modernity arose in a religious civilisation whose central tenet was the absolutising of the relative.
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Those who wish Islam to be feared and not loved cannot claim the prophetic kerygma in mission.
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To be reminded of the greed of others and the poverty of the self is to be reminded of the poverty of others and the greed of the self.
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Make Hayy while the sun shines. ('Sleep is the brother of death'.)
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Female modesty is no excuse for sloth.
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It is better that the injustices of others should stand than that our own injustices should stand.
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Our covenant does not supplant; it prunes and fertilises.
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Ishmael was the only survivor of the Pequod .
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The dove and the spider: nature only spares those who spare it.
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It is better to keep the enemy hull-down on the horizon than to fight him at close quarters.
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The doctrine of ' ada demands the existence of a defensible secular explanation of nature. Such an explanation thus becomes a mercy. Without it, there is only anomie and alienation.
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The illusion of causality is a divine mercy, which veils rigour, which in turn veils Mercy.
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Only a few can see that God's rigour is compassion.
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Dogma: less is more.
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The justification of alcohol: those without self-control must pay for the pleasures of those with self-control.
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The Madina verses prove those of Mecca .
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Judaism: the deferral of decisiveness. (George Steiner)
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The élites want everybody to be nobody.
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There is no gratitude without a sense of beauty, and no humility without a sense of gratitude.
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Seek, and you will be found.
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God's only sameness is in His signs.
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Homosexualism insults women by equating sterility with fertility.
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It is better to appreciate what you do not have than to have what you do not appreciate.
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Beauty is the most literal of metaphors.
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Where there is love there is immanence.
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Laxity is not the only form of decadence.
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The slightest reduction of God makes Him vanish.
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Khalwa is quarantine.
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Demonising the Other is from the harshnesses of the self.
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Only the very bad or the very good are polygamists.
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A canon of self-scrutiny: false religion feels more like a wound than a bandage.
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The greatest achievement of the ego is to make virtue unattractive.
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If religion is too big for us, we should be careful which parts we choose.
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The permanent conversion table: the addition must equal the square of what is subtracted.
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The front line has grown too long.
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Power can be servitude. ('I am your most high Lord' .)
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Our failings are the only cause of our unhappiness.
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Foucault: the West's frustration is that its discourse on sex does not lead to a conclusion.
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The weaker the homework, the stronger the ideology. The stronger the homework, the stronger the din .
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Hermeneutics are no longer about his women.
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Everyone nowadays is Qadi al-Qudat, Judge of Judges.
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Before we reform the forms, we must be conformed to the Forms.
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Only when the mind is free of limitation will we seek no station of annihilation.
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Exoterism is mediocrity.
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Marriage: pay and display? Or the primacy of privacy?
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Feuerbach : theological epistemology is anthropology. The Sunna : anthropology is theological epistemology.
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