If you open the door to a small vice, a large one may enter before you close it.
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True art is within earth and heart. Modern art is either Ah! or He.
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You will only discover what you truly wish for when you wish for what is best for other human beings.
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Islam is humanity’s Isha prayer; a pure crescent in the night.
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Incarnation? To be creature is to be entirely not a Creator. To be Creator is to be entirely not a creature.
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It is wisdom to see that all you see is His wisdom; and to see that you do not see it all as His wisdom.
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Because it both receives and generates, compassion is a mediatrix
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Tawheed is to heed the Tao.
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Life is a dress rehearsal.
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Christology: the ‘abd is the ma‘bud.
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Modernism: Islam is ease, and nothing but ease.
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We still raise virgins to be innocent; but do we still protect them from the hazards of innocence?
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Qarunomics tend to be pyramid-shaped. Qur’anomics know the bounds.
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Zion should remember that no building raised on treachery will stand forever.
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Until you have seen the king of the world you will only know how to feign happiness.
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Perichoresis: the first of the three is God; the second of the three is God; ‘God is the third of three.’
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Since your self is so near a neighbour to unreality, how easy its removal ought to be!
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In a world glowing with the Divine Totality, what is the nature of your freedom?
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Most polygamists are unbelievers, since they have no Qur’an for their Qiran.
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Every Muslim is either a good Sufi or a bad Sufi.
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How may ‘equality’ not reduce the Other to a version of the Same?
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Le vice anglais was outré but now it is passé.
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Feminism has failed in its ambition to abolish women.
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The False Salafism is Islam’s rigor mortis.
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Fight to impose God’s justice, not His truth.
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In Sufism, it is not only men who can enjoy being lion-tamers.
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Only I’tizal can so underestimate God’s power as to deliver a tragic view of history.
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Once we had jurists, now we have purists.
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Et in Arcadia, the ego.
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Joining Islam is not to join the path of truth, it is to progress along it.
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The Manu Mission – niyati. The Liber Asian: niyyati.
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For the kafir, the world is packed with empty things.
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The world is merely representation.
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Sufism is for anyone, except a kafir or a bourgeois.
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Works? Art? Metaphysics? Islam is one thing alone: give your heart to God.
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Muslims in Europe: we heal or we obey.
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You cannot love the Twelve unless you love the Four, for our love is the love of the Messenger himself.
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The rejection of God gives us an outwardness that can only give us pain.
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The Law shows us that our choices are truly ours.
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Aristotle: things are. Abraham: things are found.
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Political science is sacred, because it is deduced entirely from the womb.
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There is no initiation without the Law.
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Healing the monoculture is more important than pleasing it.
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Salvation is submission to the Universal.
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Islamism makes the authoritative authoritarian.
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Modernity says that it is not a prison.
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If you seek the joy of compassion, crush the joy of the ego.
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The saint is a reverse prism.
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Your weakness is in proportion to the number of things you crave.
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After Derrida, history will be won by whoever is first past the post-.
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Rejoice! Your hijab will prevent monoculturalists from patting you on the head.
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The precondition for being a man is futuwwa. The precondition for futuwwa is loving other people.
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Through the fard you become present to God. Through the nawafil He becomes present to you.
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Fat is not fate; slender is not slander.
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When you are for giving He is forgiving.
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The False Salafis have made Mecca the Mechanical.
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The Messenger came to Medina as arbiter, we come to Europe as arbeiters.
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The solution is the love of God.
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We are only ourselves when we do not love ourselves.
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Islam is not Islamic fundamentalism, it is human fundamentalism (Mustafa Ceric).
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If you can’t be a man, don’t desire women.
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Without the self-hood she will not uncover selfhood.
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Before you can be fully convinced by a proof of Islam, you must be yourself a proof of Islam.
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When Palin and Netanyahu shake hands at the opening of the Third Temple, the victory of Islam will be assured.
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The prayer-carpet is most of the world.
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The right objective of war is justice, not victory.
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You are either a worshipper or an idol.
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Without Sufism, Islam is not Islamic.
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Hospitality? You cannot serve both Abraham and Israel.
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The secret of marriage: as soon as you look at the clock, she gets angry.
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Under the Blue Baroness, the polytechnics did not become universities, the universities became polytechnics.
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Facebook will unfriend Israel.
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History is nothing other than the triumph of Providence.
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‘The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization.’ (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
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Are the false Salafis powerful enough to secularise the world?
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Inculturation is included in the command of ‘Amr bi’l-Ma’ruf’.Inculturation is included in the command of ‘Amr bi’l-Ma’ruf’.Inculturation is included in the command of ‘Amr bi’l-Ma’ruf’.
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Your children should make you feel younger, not older.
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Learn to distinguish true from false hunger.
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‘Moderate Islam’ exists for the sake of the monopology.
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Human action is always a response to the Divine.
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Outside the self, evil has no reality. Understand evil, and you will see that the self has no reality.
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Being angry for the sake of God is not the same as being angry with other religions.
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The disbeliever only disbelieves in the god he has created.
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If only we were filled with faith and modesty!
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If you luxuriate in your humility, it is pride.
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The Sunna is a wineglass; so maintain it with great care.
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A diminution of faith is also a proof of God’s existence.
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The Yawning Gulf is a Procrustean bed.
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How you say the Fatiha says it all.How you say the Fatiha says it all.
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The crisis of the Umma is not that the ulema are too traditional; it is that they are not traditional enough.
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When you are frivolous, be so only for earnestness’ sake.
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Carey was to charism what Newman was to numen.
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Most people do not want to know God; just to cut a deal with Him.
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The Monoculture has found a place where there is no God, which is why it finds itself nowhere.
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An ‘abrogated’ religion is one having no capacity to discern the truth of Islam.
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‘If only …’ takes the law road, Sufism takes the hayy road.‘If only …’ takes the law road, Sufism takes the hayy road.
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Only the gendered ego is not always wrong.
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Only the exhausted believe that they have exhausted the sense of Scripture.
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The fallen yearn for God, and wish for the abolition of history; the saved know God in history.
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The nakba ended the Nahda.
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