We are against Israel to the extent that she endangers Jewish safety.
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Marxism is the ultimate subaltern discourse.
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Real Islam is successful. If it is not successful, it is not real Islam.
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The Monoculture has no principle save the absence of metaphysics. (Without the One, there is no Many.)
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Religion without eros is the anticipation of eternal death.
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Those who are indifferent to their reputations may still be slothful, gluttonous.
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She is the gift to him that precedes the Fall.
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The alternative to pride is prayer.
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The truly-taken rukhsa makes you grow a little; the falsely-taken rukhsa makes you shrink rapidly.
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The Great Symmetry: Yad Vashem / Ghazzat Hashem.
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Nishiren is the Ibn Taymiyya of Zen.
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Crucifiction?Juda-yi Ism exonerates Rome.Ishmael exonerates the Jews.Edom: Heaven cannot exonerate.
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Your wealth is only yours once you have given it away.
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Islamism’s fire will leave only ashes.
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Only the Monoculture’s God is small enough to fit into the Yawning Gulf.
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‘If we are not for ourselves, other Jews say to me, who will be for us? And I answer, but if we are for ourselves alone, what are we?’ (Daniel Boyarin)
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Yielding to a minor sin can be a major sin.
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His strength is worldly; hers is unworldly; thus in the world he thinks that he prevails.
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Those that are angry with everyone will end up believing in nothing.
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Legalism? Levinas is from the Talmud, not from Heidegger.
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Ritual is nothing but thankfulness, or it is nothing.
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Fantasy is death.
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The Sunna: both/and. The Shi‘a: either/or.
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We have too many things, and too little gratitude.
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Do not be proud if she fears you, for she may also fear a rat.
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A good leader gives, and does not take.
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No graven images – because to emulate God’s creation is blasphemously to underestimate His power.
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If Christendom had heeded the Gospels, it would now not exist.
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If you think you do not deserve God’s punishment, you may not deserve His tribulation.
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The false Salafi rejects some idols. The Sufi rejects all idols.
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It is gratitude that sees beauty.
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The smarter the hotel, the less comfortable the Muslim.
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Dignity comes from respecting tradition, not from respecting oneself.
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Clerisy? Original Sin is to push Eve away.
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Dar al-Islam? Rome is where you will be most proud to be a Muslim.
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A good teacher always feels guilty.
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A miss is as good as a smile.
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Do not rejoice at lessons you receive from sin; or at nourishment you find in a rubbish-heap.
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The Southern Baptists: reject Darwin but love Spencer.
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Formalism? Only Sufism fills out the forms.
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Without the rusum you haven’t got a prayer.
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Atheism: I live, and I will die. Theism: I live, and I will live. Tariqa: I am dead, and I will live. Haqiqa: Allah is Alive, and does not die.
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Islam, by veiling her, reveals her; Edom, by unveiling her, erases her face.
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Her charm is the jam-i ‘ishret.
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Marx is dead; only the Living God of Ishmael will now uphold the poor.
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Ask your grandparents of their grandparents, lest you become ‘forgotten and forgetting.’
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You will not open the Furqan before you open the Qur’an.
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The Vedas were invaders; al-Qasim revived the Way.
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It was Orientalism that told us that Islam means ‘submission’. But Islam says that Islam means ‘letting go’.
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‘If the eyes had no tears, the soul would have no rainbow.’ (Minquass proverb)
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Woe betide the scholar who, at the end of his career, says ‘I wrote this’, and ‘I said that’, but did not heal a single soul.
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The Gospels are like Bilal: however hard you torture them, they will only say: ‘One! One!’
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Either Abraham is an adulterer, or he is the father of us all.
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Zionism has the smell of Islamism: it fears non-belonging, and takes its fear out on others.
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Which Muslim state is not a bad parody of a Western model?
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The false Salafism: saw off the branches, and perhaps you will see the root.
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The Yawning Gulf does not see al-Musawwir as the Artist.
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Women! If children are not your highest priority, then do not have children at all.
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The Monoculture: an easy way of making life difficult.Zahir: a difficult way of making life easy.Batin: al-din yusr.
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How do I know who you say that you are?
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‘Deus hoc vult.’ (Pope Benedict XV, speaking of Zionism.)
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The saint’s servitude makes him greater than the heavens and the earth.
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Zahir methods are only halq; but not everyone can bear natif.
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The Monoculture is opaque to itself.
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The suicide bomber is not afraid of death, because already, there is nothing left in him to die.
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The Monoculture annihilates difference for fear that the Other might show it what it truly is.
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Walk through the zoo within; check the locks; enjoy the sight of each brute; know that they are your self.
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Clerisy? The opposite of eros is envy (Peter Sloterdijk).
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Only revelation proves that other human subjectivities exist.
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Civil society is the deodorant of kufr.
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The False Salafi, rigid and unyielding, says we bow into the wind; but in fact, we bow away from it.
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Serve none but a slave.
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Luxury will persuade you that you are not a psychopath.
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With love He shows you that you are rotten. With love, you say: Yes! Yes!
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Miss Fajr will help you to feel tired all day.
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Those who sleep with Miss Fajr may catch a disease.
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Basira? The best kohl you use is anti-money.
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If you seek to keep up with the Monoculture, you will always be out of breath. If you seek to excel it, you will be at peace.
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The Sufi is a realist; the false Salafi is a riyalist.
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Do not juggle with babies.
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That man who welcomes pursuitOf Jan, who presses her suit, ‘Neath tan and padded powersuit –Shall scan a spirit hirsuit.
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Maidens! If he obeys his ego, you should be a feminist.
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Islam does not give you a full account of God, but it gives you the fullest account of God.
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Through selflessness we join the world.
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Edom has no notion of wafat.Edom has no notion of wafat.
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Only make wudu’ if it breaks your pride.Only make wudu’ if it breaks your pride.
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Each perception of beauty is a prayer upon the Prophet.
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Govern the thoughts in your head, or else you’ll walk around dead.
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Ikhtilat? Beware of near misses.Ikhtilat? Beware of near misses.
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You will only find yourself if you live for others.
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Uncle Same twists us into different figures, but it is always the same twisting.
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The Shari‘a is appropriate to the society that deserves it.
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Edom’s absurd theanthropism has desacralised the world.
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The monoculture is as relaxing as its trousers.
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Modernity: such a huge arena for so little activity.
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Sacred dress undresses the spirit.
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Before your veil avails prevail.
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The Yawning Gulf should remember that the past is part of us.
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Hijab is to force him to wear bifocals.
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The Incarnation is God’s alienation from humanity.
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