Whitehall: forget the gold dome on your prayer mat.
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Riyadh is the garden of Takfir.
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Today we grow up quickly, but into something childish.
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You no longer have the privilege of the Umma’s protection. (‘And upon God … ’)
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You cannot grow out of your culture, but you can help it to grow.
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It is better to engage fully with the Monoculture from a position of dislike than to engage partly with it from a position of admiration.
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To give the newcomer the rukhas is fard. To give yourself the azima is Sunna.
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The Arabs deceived the Turks. Lawrence deceived the Arabs. The British deceived Lawrence. Herzl deceived the British. God deceived Herzl.
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The task of the intellectual is to atone for his complexity.
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Improvisation? Edom sounds like the opposite of a mode.
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Schneerson: Israel is a goyische Staat.
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‘You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.’ (Dorothy Parker)
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Falah is harvesting what God has done for you, not what you have done for God.
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Fiqh gender disparities reflect her nearness to the fitra.
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With God’s secret gift, every hardship becomes easy. Without it, every ease becomes a source of hardship.
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The real miracle is anything that is not perceived as a miracle.
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Hijab is not self-respect: it is Self-respect.
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Natural theology is the philology of matter.
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Lord, forgive us their ignorance.
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Disregard my sins as you hear this prayer. And make this prayer that you disregard my sins.
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The world is most damaged by those who have the highest opinion of themselves.
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‘I particularly like the idea that my paintings may say nothing.’ (Magritte)
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Why ‘spirituality’? Because muraqaba makes the ritual into the spy-ritual.
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You may hold open the furnace door; but it is God Alone who blows out the fires consuming your heart.
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Twelvism: dhawban al-hasha li’ttila’ al-Molla.
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The Semitic is both emic and etic.
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Women are not difficult; but they are difficult to understand.
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Men are not easy; but they are easy to understand.
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Total transcendence is immanence.
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‘Terrorism and precipitate responses to it almost always produce the opposite of what is intended.’ (Robert W. Funk)
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The C of E: to forget that to be popular you must be unpopular.
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The young must learn to be forgiving; the old must relearn zeal.
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Islam is to be the oxygen of the West’s metropoli.
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Tawhib yields tardid; taswif yields tawhid.
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Uncle Same: choice should be both legal and improbable.
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Stolen prayers are the sweetest.
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The Liber Asian: ignore thyself and love the Other through the other. The libertine: love thyself, and let the other veil the Other.
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The Liber Asian: ‘no sound is dissonant which tells of life.’ (Coleridge)
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The devil within you: vein glory.
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Only God can save us from thinking that we are gods.
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The scientist discloses matter, the jurist discloses ethics. But their shared beauty can only be disclosed by the Teacher.
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Takbir is insincere when louder than istighfar.
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By their selflessness they take you from yourself to Himself.
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Show yourself yourself; then He will show Himself Himself.
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The celibate priest is a Tertium Quid; slave of the Eutychian God.
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Like solar prominences, the Koran’s bibliotheophanies indicate the energy of its self-celebration.
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What is forbidden, is forbidden only because of its banality. ‘God is Beautiful, and He loves beauty.’
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Islamism: the Holy Prophet marching.
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Arab humiliation is usually the result of Arab pride.
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The Teacher does not love the disciple because the disciple serves the Teacher. The Teacher loves the disciple because his service reveals understanding of the Way.
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When the Teacher moves beyond the curtain of death, the signs become fainter; they are instructing you to watch for them more carefully.
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Masculinity and femininity are the purest signs of God when without ego; when they are possessed by egotism they become the perfect tools of the Infernal.
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The alternative to interiority is inferiority; but the alternative to the internal is not the infernal.
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Antisemitic? The true Unitarian must be against Marcion.
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She that uses her body to exploit is a suicide bomber.
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If he is both familiar and unfamiliar, he is a Messenger of God.
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Occidising will rust your heart. (Have mercy on Uncle Same!)
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Comfort and freedom are unnatural bedfellows.
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The Shaykh’s cosmic gift to you is the opportunity to serve him.
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If you disobey the Teacher, you have told him of your admiration for the tiny.
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It is better to be exterminated entirely than to give away the Holy Land.
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Uncle Same is lord of the Monoculture. Allah is Lord of the Worlds.
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‘The medium is the massage’ (Yahya Birt.) ‘The body-subject hosts cognition’ (Merleau-Ponty)
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Marry them both – but only if you wish God to judge you for your fairness.
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The Sufi is he who makes God’s slaves love the Law.
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The Rindan do not despise God’s Law, but if you make it ugly – hear their mockery!
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If A’isha is irrational, then we are with Sarah, not Hagar.
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Ours is the Bezm-i Rindan; our leader is al-Khidr!Ours is the Bezm-i Rindan; our leader is al-Khidr!Ours is the Bezm-i Rindan; our leader is al-Khidr!
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Pay attention, and trust in God.
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Know that your plans are written on water.
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Misogynist? Hafsa held the future of the Book in her hands; A’isha held the Sunna.
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Respect her to the extent that she intuits her status as mazhar.
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Tariqa: peer with peers to find a pir; a pir appears.
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A pir is like a pier. Admire the sideshows; but remember: his end is His ocean’s gate.
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The Monoculture: everyone toes the line, saying: ‘I am in a different place!’
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Edom has filled the Yawning Gulf with laughing-gas.
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The world is the way it is because you are the way you are.
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Edomite feminism: letting men see my thighs makes me free.
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Your knowledge of your acts tells you that your home is Turbulence; your knowledge of your Lord tells you that your home is Paradise. Manzel-i ma kibriyast!
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‘Fear of God is knowledge enough. To be pleased with one’s knowledge is ignorance enough.’ (Bint Umm Hassan)
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The Yawning Gulf: the cemetery of hope.
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Israel will forever be the country of the future.
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A long life? Each decade is half the length of its predecessor.
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A saint is anyone who teaches you the meaning of wudu’.A saint is anyone who teaches you the meaning of wudu’.
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The Ummi was the unequalled promoter of literacy.
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The Liberal Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Zeitgeist.
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A tasbih deals with tashbih. But for tanzih, there is nothing at all.
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If you crave narrowness, crave a narrowness that is filled with mercy.
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It is easier to preach on vengeance than on patience.
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Respect the insights that can only be expressed by humour.
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Pride is the crown of the ignorant.
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Traditional Islam is not the replication of the positions of the ancients; it is to seek what they sought.
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Look within, and what is outside you will become clear. Look around you, and you will understand yourself.
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Arabs! Bright lights at Fajr, and loud loudspeakers, are errors that belie the Faith.Arabs! Bright lights at Fajr, and loud loudspeakers, are errors that belie the Faith.
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If you believe in peace, you will not believe in pacifism.
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In the rain of God’s mercy, the believer is a duck, the infidel a cat.
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All of Edom is in the Johannine Comma.
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A little worship with sincerity is all of religion; abundant worship for the sake of one’s image of oneself is nothing at all.
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Modernity finds it hard to distinguish between rest and idleness.
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