British Muslim Heritage
A series of articles highlighting Britain's rich indigenous Islamic TraditionSheikh Abdullah Quilliam (1851-1932) wrote books, plays, and novels, as well as translating texts from Arabic, Persian and Turkish. He was also among the most respected Muslim poets of his generation, writing in both Manx and English. His style is redolent of Tennyson and Wordsworth, with occasional shades of Emily Dickinson, an important influence on British Muslim verse in the late Victorian period.
Yahya-En-Nasr (John) Parkinson (1874-1918) was born of Irish descent in Kilwinning, Ayrshire. His parents died in his infancy, and he lived his entire life in the home of his grandparents, whom he supported by his work in the factory of the Busby Spinning Company. As well as his column in the local newspaper, which appeared under the name of ‘Ingomar’, Parkinson published several books, including Essays on Islamic Philosophy, and his collection of poems, Lays of Love and War, which deal with romance and Jihad in the futuwwa tradition.
Amherst Tyssen (1843-1930), a scion of a well-known baronial
family, was a solicitor as well as a Muslim poet and author. His books include
The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, and The Law of Charitable Bequests.
Isla Rosser-Owen is a London-based freelance journalist cum writer on Muslim world affairs. She first got into journalism at the age of 17, when she became the youngest ever member of the Chartered Institute of Journalists. Since then, while in the meantime obtaining her Masters degree in Arabic, she has written and worked in various capacities and for a number of publications. Recently, she has concentrated more on writing about personal research and interests, which focus on the Muslim World, its politics and social problems, and how these affect the Muslim individual worldwide. This has focused on women's issues, with a particular interest in the concept and practice of polygamy in the modern Muslim world.
She also maintains an interest in creative writing and often writes short stories, with a keen enthusiasm for reading and translating Arabic short stories into English (with varying levels of success!). She is also embarking on her first novel at the moment. Click here to read some of her work.
Isla moderates the Muslim Writing Club, Qalam, and also helps to produce the monthly online journal that showcases some of their writers' work and poems. She is dedicated to encouraging creativity and creative thinking among Muslims, especially among young Muslims who otherwise may have few outlets for their energies and inspirations.
The rest of the time, Isla is a saddler and leathercrafter, a member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen, and seeks to encourage arts and crafts not just among Muslims, but worldwide, as she believes that they do not receive the interest and support that they need and deserve. She is also keen to promote Islamic arts and crafts, and her designs are mainly Islamic in inspiration.
She has been called "this generation's most promising writer", she has also been accused of being "idiosyncratic" and "provocative". She is her own worst critic, but she always welcomes more!