British Muslim Heritage > Poetry 
The Clarion Of Islam
by Yahya-En-Nasr Parkinson

Are the sons of Islam sleeping?
	Is the sword of Islam broke?
Must the Khalif of the Faithful
	Bow before the Christian yoke?
Is the martial power departed
	From the line of Ertoghrol?
Or the flag of Islam flying
	O'er the towers of Istambol?
Keep it flying then ye Muslims,
	Keep it in its honoured place;
Rally round, ye best and bravest,
	Of the valiant Turkish race;
Scorning death and peril and hardship
	For the name your father's won,
Every pennon, every falchion,
	Waving in the morning sun;
Right is on your side, and justice
	Soars with every flashing blade;
Marshall then each steady squadron,
	Marshall then each strong brigade;
In your veins the blood of heroes
	Coursing in a crimson tide,
They were not afraid of action,
	Will their sons the battle bide?
Where is now the fearless manhood
	That your worthy fathers knew?
Underneath the Prophet's banner
	Braver hearted never drew;
Have their scions lost the vigour
	That imbued those mighty arms
To withstand the strongest cohorts,
	Revel in the war's alarms?
Silent in your mausoleums,
	Wake ye silent dead! I say,
Waken from the sleep of ages!
	Teach your sons to lead the fray;
Rise, I say, and teach the Muslims
	How to win undying fame;
How to die for home and freedom;
	How to die for Osman's name. | British Muslim Heritage