British Muslim Heritage > Poetry 
by Abdullah Quilliam

Tune – “God Save the King”

God bless the Muslim cause:
Bless all who keep Thy laws
	And do the right.
Uphold the Muslim band,
In this and every land;
Give them full strength to stand
	Firm in the fight.

Strengthen and help the weak,
And teach us all to speak,
	Thy truth abound.
May love and liberty,
Truth and sweet purity,
With plenteous charity,
	In us be found.

Hear Thou the orphan's cry,
Assuage the widow's sigh,
	The foolish chide.
Let vice no more abound,
But happiness be found
In every home and round
	The world so wide.

1st Muharram, 1319
21st April, 1901. | British Muslim Heritage