British Muslim Heritage > Poetry 
(Anon. 1898)
Sacred to the Memory of the Glorious Massacre by Christians of 15,000 Mussulmans at Omdurman.

Hark! The herald demons sing
Hark! The murderous church bells ring!
The blood-red standard is unfurled;
Mars and Moloch rule the world.
Christians shout their joyous notes,
Flying at poor Muslims' throats!
Slaughter, ruin, rapine, woe!
'Onward, Christians, onward go.'

In the Temples of the Lord
Hoist the flag and wave the sword.
Let the whole infernal din
At the sound of war begin.
Glory to the Christian plan:
War on earth and hate to man.
Hark! the herald demons sing -
'Hail to Mars, our god and king!'

Praise on earth the Maxim gun,
Fit weapon for 'God's own son;'
Praise on high the shrapnel shell,
To send Muslims down to - well,
Somewhere hotter than Soudan.
Glory to the Christian plan!
Hark! the yelling demons cry -
'The millennium sure is nigh!' | British Muslim Heritage