Augustine: man’s deformity. Ishmael: his deiformity. (Defy, don’t deify.)
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Peace without justice is not peace at all.
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A faqih in first class? And pigs will fly …
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The Dajjal will only be king when only the blind are left in the valley.
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British Islam: ‘We came as rebels, and found ourselves to be heirs.’ (Gershom Scholem)
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The Liber Asian is the reconciliation between Edom and Juda-yi Ism.
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Your greatest liability is your lie-ability.
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No-one is more extroverted than the contemplative saint.
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Modernity: an accelerating attempt to shovel matter into the growing hole where religion used to be.
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The Liber Asian vs. the Manu Mission: a woman may be Arahat on Arafat.
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Arabdom is not congenital.
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Jesus said ‘Allah’, not ‘Deus.’ (‘Say: Allah! and leave them plunging in their confusion.’)
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'Never despise any Muslim, for the least of the Muslims is great in the eyes of God.' (Abu Bakr al-Siddiq r.a.).
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Remember: you once knew the whole Qur’an.
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Wara’ is the shift from fear to hope.
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Only if the body is the temple of the spirit does the veil not belong to the high priest.
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We do not lack a rib, we lack a lung.
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Islam, not the Cross, is foolishness to the Greeks.
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Redefine religion, but do not derefine it.
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If worship is the purpose of creation, then the Founder is the purpose of creation.
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Anthropomorphism is gender-biased.
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Theology is the quest for the least silly definition of God.
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Love, not Reform, establishes the dignity of ‘autonomy’.
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Ma’ruf and munkar are defined by the fitra.
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Forget not the Other in the Brother.
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Revelation is the opposite of the cluster bomb.
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Zionism: God’s sword unsheathed against Jerusalem.
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Those who look for sin often strengthen it.
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Nafs is a comedian. So enjoy your Sufism!
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The fitra tells us that nature is a medicine. The Sunna allows us to take it.
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See things coolly. You will not think more clearly by worrying that you worry.
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Who were more anti-Western: the Taliban, or the Buddhas of Bamiyan?
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Islam is the learning of mercy.
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Islam is the crown of the poor.
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Approach the teacher as the comet approaches the sun.
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Third World Christianity: worship a white man, and be saved from your past!
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Jesus did not oppose Rome, and so Rome chose him for its god.
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If you have not seen the saint, you have not seen the Sunna.
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Being heretics to the Monoculture requires both courage and style. But we should have room for those who have neither courage nor style.
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People will not come closer to you if you hit them.
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To learn truth is always to relearn. To lapse into falsehood is not always to relapse.
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‘What can I say – it must have been the will of God.’ (Mikhail Gorbachev)
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Use words in your preaching only if absolutely necessary.
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Academic Islamic Studies is as foolish as it is because we are as foolish as we are.
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‘For Allah created the English mad – the maddest of all mankind.’ (Kipling)
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The hijab: ‘a display of modesty’!
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The teacher exists to teach you the importance of what you have transcended.
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The Sephardi and the Mizrahi mean something. But what does the Ashkenazy mean?
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Maidens! Choose him that uses his ears more than his eyes.
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The road to God is paved with laughter at the self. The road to Hell is paved with laughter at others.
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Edom, then Ishmael: the superfetation of Juda-yi Ism.
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Learn that you are the merest shadow of Another’s act; thus you will learn humbleness, which is the beginning of understanding.
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The world without hell is the word.
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A heretic never claims to be a heretic, he claims to transcend orthodoxy.
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Veils without turbans? Coronets without crowns?
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Augustine is a jihadi.Augustine is a jihadi.Augustine is a jihadi.Augustine is a jihadi.
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The false Salafism: from catechism to cataclysm.
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‘All true Reformers are by the nature of them Priests, and strive for a Theocracy.’ (Carlyle, on Knox)
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Do not think that anything has any purpose other than to point to God.
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Idolatry, at best, is the unbalanced fixation on an Attribute.
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Religious leadership is an opportunity to be frightened of God.
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Do not say: Do you agree with me? but say: Do we agree?
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Sufism: don’t think that you can dive without lowering yourself.
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Mockery is for pouring upon kufr, not upon people.
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Wisdom consists mainly in the ability to recognise human weakness.
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God’s mercy is not limited; but He is not limited by His mercy.
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For each karama that takes you forward, there are ten which will take you back.
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Only those who know themselves to be unworthy are worthy.
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If you do not sanctify the dawn, the day will not sanctify you.
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Against Modernism: between signs and science there is neither rhyme nor reason.
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Islamism: untie your camel, and trust in God.
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Her voice is part of her awra only when it is part of her aura.
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Lust before lustrations. Fast before frustrations.
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If you suffer from listlessness, make a list.
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Edom: In terms of the Parousia, there have been too many Years of Grace. In terms of salvation history, there have not been enough.
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Europe: we shall not despise a minority, unless it is minarety
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The caliphs’ prayers ended with Hamidun Majid.
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If you put the Sunna before mercy, you have lost both.
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‘Nihilism is the uncanniest of all guests.’ (Nietzsche)
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If you are good, pretend to be bad. If you are bad, don’t pretend to be good.
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To grow in the spirit, and not to grow in the need to pretend not to be what one is, is a contradiction that closes the Way.
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‘If European education is the death of maternity / Then death is its fruit for the human race.’ (Iqbal)
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The Ka’ba has a positive charge; we are negative. Dunya, however, is an efficient insulator.
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He who knows himself, knows Islam.
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Man is the proof of God. The man of God is the proof of religion.
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Do not fear any extremist; fear the consequences of his acts.
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Do not be complacent. Most people judge religions by their followers, not by their doctrines.
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Only parasites respect flukes.
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Only through tradition are we an umma semper reformanda.
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Scripture defines mercy, but is not an alternative to it.
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Justice may never be the consequence of wrath; but it may be its right assuaging.
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Do not believe the confessions of tortured texts.
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Being at ease in the company of scholars is a proof of faith.
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Nobility is the aptitude for seeing beauty.
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To slouch, and to suck one’s pen, are signs that one has never read Scripture.
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If their defences are strong, it is because you have not used the weapon of mercy.
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Let the next hours be an apology for the sunna prayer. Let the sunna prayer be an apology for the fard. Let the fardbe an apology for separation.
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In the fight against the Monoculture, the main sign is the hijab, and the main act is the Prayer.
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It’s quite a hard thing to respectA God who our prayers would accept,We splash and we preenThen we fidget and dream,So proud to be of the Saved Sect.
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‘May I not prove too much of a skunk when I shall be tried.’ (Wittgenstein)
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