After studying psychology and philosophy at City University, Atif Imtaiz completed a PhD in social psychology at the London School of Economics on Muslim identity politics. He has been active in Muslim community life for over two decades. He was part of the Young Muslims UK and FOSIS in the 90s serving on the national committee for both organisations and has since studied Sufism with Shaykh Nuh Keller. More recently he worked as an Equality and Diversity advisor to NHS Bradford and Airedale. He has advised the British government on deradicalisation, Bradford Council on integration, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Healthcare Commission and the BBC. ‘Wandering Lonely in a Crowd’ is his first book and contains a series of reflections on recent debates that affect the Muslim community. Email: ai [at] cambridgemuslimcollege [dot] org
Atif is the Academic Director at the Cambridge Muslim College