Miscellaneous and Other Interesting Articles
and Bibliography
By the will of Allah, it has been proven without a shadow of doubt that al-Albani has fallen into the abyss of contradictions, errors, misquotes and so on. Whether these blunders of his are due to a weak memory gained through old age, or otherwise, Allah alone knows best! We know that al-Albani sincerely admits on some occasions his errors in the classification of Hadith; and this is praiseworthy. For example, he admitted in Sifah salah an-Nabee (pg. 28, footnote 1) about the classification of a particular Hadith: "I used to declare this hadeeth hasan (good) in previous works, until I realised that I had been mistaken, because this hadeeth depends on Hanzalah al-Dawsi, who is da'eef, and I do not know how this was unknown to me; maybe I thought he was someone else. Anyway, praise is due to Allah who guided me to recognise my mistake, and that is why I hurried to correct it in print..."
As far as I know at the time of writing this short exposition, al-Albani has not taken much heed to correct his errors let alone make aware to his readership his mistakes - as well as their necessary rectifications. I say this because even at the time of writing, his supporters in England are still quoting his "authentications" of Hadith in various books that have been translated into English. I have noticed quite surprisingly that most of his followers are still oblivious of the fact that Shaykh Saqqaf has publicised al-Albani's errors; even though Shaykh Saqqaf's books have been available in Jordan (and other countries) for more than two years!
I sincerely entreat all serious seekers of the truth to beware of al-Albani's "classifications", "fatwa's" and his extreme revilement towards the scholars and laity within the four schools of Islamic jurisprudence. This no doubt applies most strongly to those brothers and sisters who may have wholeheartedly relied on al-Albani's classifications of Hadith by way of Taqleed; in their quest to adhere to the authentic Sunnah. It is always possible for criticism to be made by a group of people whose understanding is inadequate and who lack sufficient knowledge. But: "How many there are who find fault with a sound statement, while their trouble is due to faulty understanding!" We should all take heed of the Ayat: "Nay, but those who do wrong follow their own lusts without knowledge. Who is able to guide him whom Allah has sent astray? For such there are no helpers. (Qur'an 30: 29)
And my last word on this subject are in the words of Imam Muhammad ibn Sirin (d. 110 AH; Rahimahullah, vide: Mishkatul-Masabih, 1/273, on the authority of Imam Muslim):
"Verily this knowledge is the knowledge of religion. You must carefully see from whom you are receiving the knowledge of your religion."
The weak, meek, slave in need of Allah -
ibn Muhammad BSc (Hons), GRSC
Shawwal/March 1414/1994
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- Mishkat Ul-Masabih, Maktab al-Islami, Beirut, 3rd edn, 1405 AH.
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- Sahih al-Targhib wa'l Tarhib, Maktab al-Islami, Beirut, 2nd edn, 1406 AH.
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