Abdal Hakim Murad is Dean of the Cambridge Muslim College, UK, which trains imams for British mosques. In 2010 he was voted Britain’s most influential Muslim thinker by Jordan’s Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre.
He has translated a number of books from the Arabic, including several sections of Imam al-Ghazali's Ihya' Ulum al-Din.
His most recent book is Commentary on the Eleventh Contentions (2012), in which he deals with a range of modern social and political controversies.
Abdal Hakim Murad, a Sunni Muslim, regularly leads Jum’a prayers at the Cambridge central mosque, and has spoken in major mosques in Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, and the United States. Recordings of his talks are available on the Cambridge Khutbas website. His articles have appeared in The Independent, the London Evening Standard, the Daily Telegraph, The Times, the Catholic Herald, Islamica, Zaman, the Times Literary Supplement, and Prospect. He is also a regular contributor to BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day.
This page is the official repository for most of the online articles of Abdal Hakim Murad.
Travelling Light Series VII Trailer :: Iceland :: DVD Now Available from Cambridge Mosque Project on Vimeo.
Imam al-Ghazali's Revival of the Religious Sciences with Sidi Idris Watts in Bifröst, Iceland. In aid of the Cambridge New Mosque Project.
Available now from mishkatmedia.com/travellinglight
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British Muslim Identity
- The Great Dive: The Unusual Life of William Williamson
- On Top of Europe: Walking the Alps
- From Drury Lane to Makkah
Hedley Churchward the first British Muslim to carry out the rites of Hajj - Faith in the Future: Islam after the Enligtenment
- Ward the Pirate
Was Captain John Ward a pirate or a Warrior for Islam? - British and Muslim?
Problems faced by converts in th UK - Tradition or Extradition? The Threat to Muslim-Americans [revised]
- Muslim loyalty and belonging
some reflections on the psychosocial background - Muslims and the European Right
Gender Issues
- Islam, Irigaray, and the retrieval of gender
- Boys will be Boys
Issues of gender identity
- Good anger, bad anger, and Shirk al-Asbab [PDF] - 7th May, 2014
- Clarification: On the boundaries of da’wa - 1st May, 2014
- American as a Jihad State:
Middle Eastern perceptions of modern American theopolitics.
August, 2013 - Bayan - a clarification, 5th May 2013
- British Muslims and the Rhetoric of Indigenisation
Lecture given at the University of Oslo, 18 March 2011 - Can Liberalism Tolerate Islam?
Oslo Litteraturhuset, 20 March 2011 - Quicunque Vult, or,
A teenage journey to Islam [NEW]
the path to Islam of Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad - Photographs of Imam Busiri's Mosque
- Forgiveness and Justice: meditations on some hadiths [PDF 65KB]
- The Churches and the Bosnian War
- POEM: Fragrances perceived upon the
Prophet’s Birthday
by Fariduddin Attar [PDF 21KB] - Plovdiv: Granada of the East
- Ten Good Manners for Hajj by Imam al-Ghazali
- Ramadan in Istanbul
- Benedict XVI and Islam: the first year
- Spiritual Life in Ottoman Turkey [Oct 2005]
- Bombing Without Moonlight: The Origins of Suicidal Terrorism
- Ibn Hajar Asqalani and his commentary Fath al-Bari
- Seeing with both eyes
Text of the lecture given at the Cardiff Conference Jan '00 - Recapturing Islam From the Terrorists (Addendum added)
- When the Generous appears with the Name Avenger
Reflections on the Turkish earthquake - Islamic Spirituality
the forgotten revolution - Understanding the Four Madhhabs
The Problem of Anti-Madhhabism - The Trinity: A Muslim Perspective
- Interview of Abdal Hakim Murad
- The Fall of the Family - Part I | Part II
- Islam and the Millennium
- Book Review
of Farid Esack's Qur'an, Liberation and Pluralism - Diana and Dionysus
Analysis of the death of Diana Princess of Wales. - The Sunna as Primordiality
Offsite Articles & Media
- William Abdullah Quilliam -[YouTube audio]
BBC World Service Heart and Soul Programme 19th January 2011 - A Crash Course in Islamic History
Lastprophet.info presents audio recordings of Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad's Crash Course in Islamic History. This is the most succint and yet comprehensive Islamic History available. Presented in Oslo on 18-19 March 2011, the course is offered in seven parts. Audio courtesy of Muhammad Hüdayi. © www.lastprophet.info
- Book Review
of Islam: Past, Present and Future by Hans Küng, Oneworld Publications
[from The Catholic Herald] - Easter: faith and redemption [From the Guardian's Comment is Free site]
For Muslims, the story of this festival will always be arguable. But there is unity on the larger message. - Faith
& Reason:
Muslim terrorists embrace a very secular heresy - From the Independent [01 May 2004] - The Chador of God on Earth: the Metaphysics of the Muslim Veil from New Blackfriars [March 2004]
- Interview from ABC's Sunday Nights programme [Australia, 18 April 2004]
- Cambridge Khutbahs - audio sermons recorded in Cambridge.
- Pulchra Ut Luna: Some Reflections On The Marian Theme In Muslim-Catholic Dialogue
- Jesus and Muhammad: new convergences [PDF]
- A warning we should heed: The message of Islam is that pursuit of money for its own sake is unnatural, inhumane, and will lead us to catastrophe [The Guardian]
- Timothy Winter: Britain's most influential Muslim - Interview with The Independent
- Ramadan Travelogue at the Cambridge Mosque is Moving website.
- Cultural investment is the way forward
Shaikh Abdul Hakim Murad feels the Muslim world should promote healthy dialogue with the West
by Syed Hamad Ali, Gulf News [14 Oct 2010]
- On Ramadan - Delivered Aylesbury Mosque, UK November 1999 (RealAudio)
- The Victory of Islam - sponsored by Fosis Ireland and the Muslim Students' Association of Trinity College, Dublin. The talk took place on November 18, 2006 at Trinity College, Dublin. [MP3]
- On Sabr (patience) -
Q & A Session after the Sabr Lecture - Cambridge Khutbahs - audio sermons recorded in Cambridge.
- BBC Radio 3 Interview with Joan Bakewell on the radio show Belief Talks to Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad about his conversion to Islam
this is available as a Bit Torrent download here or here. You can download it via the RapidShare link here. - Mawlid - Supercession and Intercession - a talk given at The Naqshbandi Foundation for Islamic Education (circa 90s) [MP3]
- Be With Those Who Are True [Audio]
Books written & translated
- Seventy Seven Branches
of Faith (trans.)
by Imam al-Bayhaqi,
translated by Abdal Hakim Murad.
Pages xiii+65. 203x138mm.
The first English translation of a popular collection of Hadiths (sayings of the Blessed Prophet), considered second only to the Qur'an in sanctity.
ISBN: 1 872038 03 4 (paper) - Understanding the Four Madhhabs
- The Mantle Adorned
a translation of Imam al-Busiri's Qasaid al-Burda